Conference History

7th Round history

The 7th edition of the International Conference on Future of Social Sciences (ICFSS) is an annual event with a reputation for excellence. The 2024 edition took place on the 28th-30th of June in the beautiful city of Amsterdam, Netherlands. Hosted by Park Plaza Victoria Amsterdam, the event featured presentations – both oral and poster – from academics and scholars from some of the most prestigious institutions in the world.


Highlighted Speakers

Name Title Affiliation
social sciences conference Prof. Wendy Marilu Sanchez Casanova Original Law of Property and Liminality of Biocultural Heritage in Mexico Conahcyt – ENES Morelia, Mexico
social sciences conference Prof. Sonia Mairos Ferreira Elevating Maternal and Neonatal Health Outcomes through Simulation-Based Education in Lesotho UNICEF, Lesotho
social sciences conference Dr. Wafaa Taleb China in Africa: Neo-Colonialism or Partnership? University of Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed, Algeria
social sciences conference Dr. Waiphot Kulachai Understanding Political Participation among Youth in Thailand: Examining the Role of Political Interest, Efficacy, Knowledge, Partisanship, and Family Influence Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand
social sciences conference Dr. Junphen Wannarak Assessing the Impact of Political Marketing Tactics on Voter Choice: Examining the Role of Political Offerings, Costs, Accessibility, and Promotion Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi, Thailand
social sciences conference Dr. Pablo Páramo Effects of Inclusive Language on Reading Comprehension Universidad Pedagogica Nacional, Colombia
social sciences conference Ms. Barbara Pawlak Technoimmortality: Dehumanization In the Pursuit of Immortality in Don Delillo’s “Zero K” University of Lodz Doctoral School of Humanities, Poland
social sciences conference Ms. Suporn Bundith Exploring the Influence of Social Diversity, Cultural Values, Religious Beliefs, Media, and Political Institutions on Democratic Political Culture Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand
social sciences conference Ms. Khwanta Benchakhan Examining the Impact of Servant Leadership on Work Engagement through Organizational Culture in the Public Sector: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand
social sciences conference Ms. Kantima Pongnairat Integrating AI in HR: A Comprehensive Analysis of HRIS Impact on Employee Engagement, Decision-Making, And Organizational Performance Burapha University, Thailand
social sciences conference Ms. María Alejandra Chamorro Gualteros The andro-productivist perspective of the 1961 agrarian reform and its impact on the redistribution of land for women Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia
social sciences conference Ms. Tavishi Choudhary Reducing Racial and Ethnic Bias in AI Models: A Comparative Analysis of Chatgpt and Google Bard Greenwich High, the United States
social sciences conference Ms. Franchezca Natividad Banayad The Effects of Authoritative and Permissive Parenting Style on the Filipino Students’ Academic Achievement and Social Competence De La Salle University Integrated School Manila, Philippines
social sciences conference Miss. Keira Wang A Socio-Political Analysis of Mindfulness Practice in Hong Kong The University of Hong Kong
social sciences conference Miss. Michelle Kim Linking Regional Climate Data to Rural Perceptions of Climate Change University of Wyoming, the United States
social sciences conference Miss. Apichaya Niwes Trust Matters: Unveiling the Nexus between Supervisor Trust, Organizational Citizenship Behaviors, and Job Performance in the Workplace Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi, Thailand
social sciences conference Mr. Patipol Homyamyen The Influence of Service Quality, Platform Performance, and Menu Diversity on Trust Formation, User Satisfaction, and Sustained Usage: An Examination Using Structural Equation Modeling Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi, Thailand
social sciences conference Mr. Narupollawat Hastindra Na Ayudhaya The Political Ascent of Pitha Limcharoenrat: Analyzing Obstacles towards Prime Ministerial Ambitions – Insights from the Viewpoint of Thai Citizens in the USA American Airlines, the United States
social sciences conference Mr. Gholam Reza Mirzaei Predicting the Relationship between the Corona Virus Anxiety and Psychological Hardiness in Employees Working At Shahid Beheshti Hospital in Shiraz Higher Education Institute, Iran.
social sciences conference Mr. Emmanuel Panin Acheampong Analysis of Pattern and Proximity of Shuttle Bus Stops Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS): Status: Accepted With Minor Revisions University Of Leeds, the United Kingdom
social sciences conference Mr. Mohamad Kamis Bin Baharuddin Enforcement of Labour Law Policies among Civil Servants: A Meta-Analysis Research Waseda University, Japan

Virtual Session